A Question of Style

GenresSome people – professional musicians in particular – ask me what 'style' of music I teach, either because they wish to continue to sing in a particular style or because they are afraid I will attempt to impose my own style upon them.  While I have performed in multiple genres, I deliberately do not teach any particular style; instead I specialize in vocal mechanics, i.e., healthy, proper singing technique.

Proper singing technique transcends all genres, so whatever style(s) a student prefers has no bearing on the correct mechanics of singing.  A solid foundation of good vocal mechanics is the cornerstone and the style you choose to sing is the capstone of artistic, healthy singing technique.

Allow me to use an art analogy ... Think of a great work of art by one of the masters, Monet or DaVinci, for example – when singing, the technique/mechanics are the well-primed canvas and the style is the paint.  The style of music you are interested in singing will have no bearing upon utilizing the proper vocal techniques, as you can paint abstract, impressionist, avant-garde, landscapes, portraits in oil, acrylic, watercolors – and any image you desire – upon a good canvas, as long as it is correctly primed.